Let’s Fix Xbox Won’t Turn On Problem (5 Easy Fixes)

Imagine inviting some of your best buddies for a FIFA game on your Xbox One on a Friday night, but, to your dismay, your Xbox console won’t turn on. It was my ordeal the last time when I invited my friends over. We were all excited about the game night until I found out that my Xbox wont turn on. But as I had good luck when my YouTube wasn’t working on Firestick, I found a solution for this problem too.

Nobody enjoys it when your gadgets do not work like they are supposed to. However, it is normal for technology to malfunction at times, but finding solutions for those malfunctions can make you spend hours tinkering with your device. Sometimes, you even end up spending hundreds of dollars. 

If your Xbox won’t turn on, the first thing that you must do is to check the power supply followed by your Xbox console settings. If your Xbox turns on but shuts down suddenly due to overheating, ensure that your device is properly ventilated. Software issues on your Xbox can be rectified by soft resets.

Like any other gadget, an Xbox One can act faulty at times. Diagnosing the trouble with your Xbox device can help you find a solution. This article will discuss the various ways to get your Xbox up and running again, even when it ceases to turn on. Reading the article should help you find out what you need to do when your Xbox is not turning on.

Some Common Troubles Shown By Xbox

Some Common Troubles Shown By Xbox

An Xbox can give you different types of troubles. Identifying the issue probed by your Xbox will help you understand the cause of the faulty behavior and eventually help you fix the problem.

As the first step, you should diagnose the faulty behavior shown by your Xbox. Some of the most common behaviors exhibited by your device are as follows.

  • Your Xbox Won’t Turn On
  • Your Xbox Shuts Down Suddenly
  • Your Xbox Shuts Down And Doesn’t Turn Back On
  • Your Xbox One Won’t Turn On But Beeps
  • Your Xbox Controller Wont Turn On
  • Your Xbox One Making Noise But Not Turning On

Possible Reasons Why Your Xbox Won’t Turn On

Unlike Playstation, Xbox One console does not have a Light of Death to indicate that it is facing an issue. So if you are facing the problem of Xbox not turning on, I have compiled some tried-and-tested methods for you to help you turn your Xbox back on. Some of these methods work as a quick remediation method, while others may be more complex. While you may not have to try them all, there is a high possibility that one of them will work for you.

Listed below are the possible reasons for your Xbox One not powering on and the possible fixes that you can try.

Reason 1: Power Supply/Outlet Issue

Power supply or outlet-related issues are among the most common reasons for your Xbox not turning on. When my Xbox doesn’t power on, I check the power supply as the first measure. And I recommend the same to my readers. 

Try the following fixes to rule out the possibility of a power supply/outlet issue.

Check/Change Your Wall Outlet

Check/Change Your Wall Outlet

It is possible that your Xbox won’t turn on because of the faulty wall outlet. If your wall outlet does not have any current, you can consider changing the wall outlet to which your Xbox is attached. You can also test the wall outlet by plugging in another gadget to see if it works or using a wall outlet multimeter.

Check If The Power Cable Is Working Properly

Check If The Power Cable Is Working Properly

The next thing to check is the power supply. Ensure that the power cable is properly plugged into your Xbox console and the wall outlet. Also, check that you are using the appropriate cable that was included in the Xbox kit for the power supply. If you have a green light on the adaptor of your Xbox, check if it is turned on. A green light signifies a proper current supply to the Xbox.

Reset The Internal Power Supply

Reset The Internal Power Supply

If you do not have a green light turned on on your adaptor, your power supply might need to be reset. After checking if your power supply is working fine, you can reset the internal power supply. 

Here’s how you can do this.

Step 1: Unplug your power cable from the wall outlet and console.

Step 2: Wait for 10 seconds.

Step 3: Plug the power back into the outlet.

Step 4: Turn on your Xbox again.

If the issue of your Xbox One not powering on is because of the power supply problem, you should have resolved the point by now. If you are still unable to turn on your Xbox, move on to reading the next fix.

Reason 2: Console or Controller Issue

If your controller is not connected to the power supply properly, needs battery replacement, or is damaged, your effort to turn on your Xbox console using the controller will go in vain. Also, there are times when the user cannot turn on the Xbox console because the console is in sleep mode. Hence, ruling out any console or controller issue is crucial if your Xbox console or Xbox controller wont turn on.

Check If Your Xbox Controller Is Working

Check If Your Xbox Controller Is Working

Most users tend to turn on their Xbox console using the controller. I recently found out that when my Xbox controller wont turn on, my console will also not turn on. 

Checking the power supply to your console will help you identify if your console is working or not. If you are using a wireless console, I advise you to replace the batteries. Try turning on the console once you are sure that your Xbox One controller is working fine.

Check Console Settings

Check Console Settings

Sometimes, when your Xbox One won’t turn on but beeps, the issue may be with the Xbox control settings. The settings on your Xbox control can prevent your console from working properly. Check for the following settings if you find your Xbox One making noise but not turning on.

Instant-On Feature: A turned-off Instant-On feature can put your Xbox console to sleep mode that completely powers it down. Though this feature allows the console to work faster, it could also interfere with the turning on of the Xbox console. You can choose Energy-Saving settings instead.Auto-Shutdown Feature: I also recommend turning off the Auto-Shutdown feature if your Xbox One won’t turn on but beeps. This feature has caused trouble to one of my friends and he could rectify it upon turning this feature off.

Power Cycle Your Console

Power Cycle Your Console

Power cycling your Xbox console can help you run an Xbox that won’t turn on. This fix discharges the conserved power and erases any random glitches with the Xbox which lets the power outlet and built-in power surge have a breather. 

Following are the steps to power cycle your console.

Step 1: Turn off your Xbox console

Step 2: Unplug all the cords attached to your console and wait for 15 seconds.

Step 3: Press the power button and hold it for 10 seconds. It allows the remaining power on the console to drain.

Step 4: Wait for 40 minutes and let the components cool off.

Step 5: Plug-in all the cords back.

Step 6: Turn on the Xbox console again.

Reason 3: Overheating Issue

When my Xbox didn’t turn on on the boys’ night, I identified that the issue was overheating. In this case, you will mostly find that your Xbox one won’t stay on and will shut down suddenly. Sometimes, due to overuse, when your Xbox heats up, it shuts down, and the heat prevents it from turning on. 

Ensuring proper ventilation on your Xbox makes sure your device is not overheating.

Remove The Dust From The USB Port And Vent

Remove The Dust From The USB Port And Vent

Regular dirt in the surrounding tends to get stuck in the openings of your devices. Upon examination, you will notice some dust particles in the vent opening and the USB port of your Xbox device. Dust in the vent leads to overheating of the device, due to which your Xbox console can suddenly shut down. You can clean the Xbox One console with a soft cotton cloth and a blow dryer.

Clear The Surroundings Of Your Xbox

Clear The Surroundings Of Your Xbox

Keeping the surroundings of your Xbox One console clean will help you avoid the overheating issue. If objects around your Xbox console block the device’s ventilation, there are high chances that your device will end up shutting down due to overheating. Also, keeping too many gadgets very close to each other raises the area’s temperature and should be avoided.

Reason 4: Display Issue

If you find your Xbox one making noise but not turning on, there is a possibility that your Xbox is turned on, but the display won’t show up. Here’s what you should do in this case.

Plug-In The HDMI Cable Properly

Plug-In The HDMI Cable Properly

The HDMI cable is responsible for displaying the game graphics on your TV or laptop. If your Xbox One won’t turn on but beeps or makes noise, you must consider checking that the HDMI cable is connected correctly. Remove the HDMI cable from the source, wait for 10 seconds, and plug it back. If the HDMI cable is faulty, you may have to replace it. If your Xbox was turning on, but the problem was with the display, this fix should resolve your issue.

Reason 5: Software Issues

If none of the above fixes worked for you, it’s now time for you to rule out the possibility of any software-related issue. If all your software updates are completed, try the following soft fixes to see if they work for your Xbox device. 

Try Triple Hold Button Fix

Try Triple Hold Button Fix

As the name suggests, the triple hold fix requires you to press three buttons together and helps you reset the internal software. This method breaks the continuous loop of the software to reset it. This method works great if your Xbox often runs into stored applications and game issues.

Listed below are the steps for triple hold reset.

Step 1: Press the Power, Eject and sync buttons at a time. 

Step 2: Hold the buttons for around 10 seconds.

Step 3: After 10 seconds, release only the Eject button and continue holding the Power and Sync buttons.

Step 4: Release the Power and Synch button after another 15 seconds.

Step 5: Press the Power and Sync buttons together to turn on the console for the second time.

Step 6: Release the buttons after the Xbox console powers up, and the sync process begins.

Try Eject Button Tapping Fix

Try Eject Button Tapping Fix

Eject Button tapping fix is one of the most popular fixes on public forums about the Xbox One console not turning on. It may not sound very promising, but many users have tried this fix successfully. It helps you reset the internal software by forcing it to focus on a new track. 

All you need to do is just hit the Eject button 10-15 times in a row, and there are chances that your Xbox will start running again. 
If you had no luck with any of the above fixes, there is a possibility of some fault with the motherboard or any other internal part of your Xbox device. In this case, you would need to connect with an expert to repair the Xbox device


Q1. Is it possible that my Xbox console won’t turn on because the Xbox One controller wont turn on? 

Answer – If you are trying to turn on your Xbox One console with the controller, you will have no luck if your Xbox One controller wont turn on. Consider checking the power supply to the controller. If your controller is wireless, I recommend replacing the batteries. 

Q2. How to run an Xbox One console that won’t turn on but is stuck at beeping?

Answer – If your Xbox One console is continuously beeping but won’t turn on, I recommend trying the ‘Three Button Hold Fix’ mentioned in the article. The method resets the internal software and helps you run the Xbox if it has a software issue.

Q3. Can I clean the moisture off the motherboard of my Xbox One console by myself?

Answer – Sometimes, if your Xbox is stored in a cool place, moisture can get accumulated on the motherboard. Though the motherboard is a delicate and significant part of a gadget, it is possible to remove the moisture if done carefully. You can use either a blow dryer or a dehumidifier to get rid of the motherboard moisture. As a caution, be careful about the heat of the dryer.

Q4. Why does my Xbox keeps turning off?

Answer – If your Xbox keeps turning off, then there is nothing to be worried about. I have done an extensive article on the same. Go and check it out here – Why does my Xbox keep turning off?

Final Verdict

It is frustrating to have your Xbox console run into a problem. If you have an Xbox One that refuses to turn on, it is wise to try some troubleshooting steps before panicking to call a professional. If followed carefully, the fixes mentioned in the article are tried and tested by me and do not harm your device. 

Comment below if you have tried any of the given fixes on your Xbox. Also, share your experience. You may also leave your queries in the below section.

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