How to Pair Vizio Soundbar with Subwoofer

If you are someone like me, who enjoys their fair share of musical entertainment, it is best to invest in a sound system that suits your preferences and personality. Your idea of a party can be dancing around with a drink in your hand, but it can also mean snuggling up with your girlfriend and watching a good movie with your new and improved Soundbar. 

You can opt for pairing Vizio Soundbar to Subwoofer by accessing the pairing mode within the devices. If you are trying to pair the Vizio Subwoofer with another soundbar, your TV, or your phone, try optimizing connectivity by bringing them closer. In case your devices don’t connect, check the basics and move on to troubleshooting if the problem persists!

Soundbars and subwoofers are a great addition to any home. However, asking your partner before making the purchase would be best. If your significant other loves their peace and quiet as much as my girlfriend does, you may not be able to use your wireless sound systems that often.

However, you may have already bought your sound systems, so you may be wondering how to pair Vizio Soundbar with Subwoofer. Since I have spent quite some time with my Soundbar and Subwoofer and know my way around pairing the systems, I can offer some helpful tips to start your journey.

So, how to pair a Vizio Soundbar to the Subwoofer? Let’s find out!

How to Pair Vizio Soundbar with Subwoofer

Pairing your Vizio Soundbar and Subwoofer doesn’t have to be complicated. The road to pairing is simple as long as you let the process stay straightforward! Even if the subwoofers you use are from Vizio or a third party, pairing them to the Soundbar is quite easy. 

The Vizio Soundbar can sometimes reject the connection to the Vizio Subwoofer. This can happen for several reasons, the primary one being the loss of the Bluetooth connection. It is easy to fix this issue. All you need to do is connect your speakers to your woofer. Follow the steps below;

Pairing Vizio Soundbar to Subwoofer

1. Start by Switching on Pairing Mode Within the Subwoofer

This involves starting the Subwoofer and connecting it to the Soundbar. Establishing a connection is straightforward; you only need to press the pairing button on the Subwoofer’s backside. Keep pushing till the LED starts to flash. 

Stop pressing when the LED flashes and move on to the second step of the process. 

2. Turn on Pairing Mode

You need to locate the pairing mode in the Soundbar and turn it on after switching on the Soundbar. Follow the same step for the Soundbar as for the Subwoofer. Keep pressing the power button till the LED flashes a couple of times. This signifies that the connection has been made. 

3. Play Something!

This is the final step. Start by playing something to test the connection. If you have paired your devices, the music will start to play. Fiddle with the volume to your personal preference and enjoy! If your devices fail to connect, perhaps it’s time to restart them and try to pair them again. 

Pairing Third-Party Subwoofers To a Vizio Soundbar 

Not everyone can rush to purchase an entire sound system every time an upgraded version comes along. However, if you want to add to your home theatre gradually, perhaps it’s time to invest in a Vizio Soundbar. 

Connecting the Soundbar to another subwoofer can be done through the following steps;

Optimize Placement

Oftentimes your Subwoofer fails to pair simply because it isn’t close enough to the Soundbar. You may even make the silly mistake of forgetting to plug it in, in which case, do it now while we look away!

Go Through the Guide

Locating the pairing buttons could be challenging, but you do not have to make it harder on yourself. Go through the guide and find the controls. You may go through the internet. However, accessing information you already have may be far easier. 

Pair the Devices

If your handbook does not guide you, try to press down on the power button. This usually does the trick. If the LED on your Subwoofer starts blinking, your device is ready to pair! All there’s left to do is to repeat the same for the Vizio Soundbar until the LED blinks showing successful pairing. 

Play the music to ensure that you’ve made the connection.

Now that we know how to connect Vizio Subwoofer to Soundbar, let’s explore the independent uses of the subwoofer system.

How to Pair Vizio Subwoofer Without Soundbar

Not everyone wants to know how to pair Vizio Subwoofer to Soundbar. In fact, most people do not purchase the Vizio Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer setup. 

Can one even use a Vizio Subwoofer without a soundbar? Perhaps you want to invest in a system that takes bass to another level? Not everyone can commit to both the Subwoofer and the Soundbar, so here’s a way you can pair the Vizio Subwoofer without the Soundbar. 

Before pairing the subwoofer without soundbar, ensure that you have placed your subwoofer in a spot where the bass and connectivity are optimized. Adjust the settings if required. 

Connecting to a TV

  1. Connect Directly
    This is the easiest way to connect the subwoofer to a TV. Use an HDMI and plug it into the TV’s HDMI port. Plug the other end of the HDMI into the audio input port in your subwoofer. 
  1. Use a Converter
    This is a great method to rely on when you come across a different port type in both the TV and the subwoofer. Converters can convert the signals so that they can be accessed by both devices. 

    Connect the digital coaxial output to the TV, the input to the converter, the HDMI cable to the other end of the converter, and one end of the HDMI to the subwoofer. Switch up the sides of the cables if the audio does not work. 
  1. Use A/V Receivers
    These devices can be used to attach multiple speakers that eventually connect to the TV. Find the input for the subwoofer on your A/V device and attach it accordingly. 

Vizio Subwoofer Pairing to Phone

The topic of Vizio Subwoofer pairing to phone is a much discussed and debated one. Should one use the given systems, or is it better to move with the times and depend on phones to help you connect to a subwoofer and operate it better? 

  1. Connect Through RCA Cable 
    All you need to do to connect your phone to your subwoofer directly is to use an RCA cable. Make sure to turn the volume of the subwoofer off to connect it to the cable. Connect one end of the cable to the subwoofer and insert the other in the headphone jack in your phone. 
  1. Connect Through an Application 
    Different kinds of applications on the Apple or Google App Store allow for easy access and connection to the subwoofer through Bluetooth. Simply download the application and connect to the subwoofer once it appears on your phone.

    You may alternately want to pair your Soundbar with a specific device, such as a Roku TV. Here’s a detailed guide that illustrates most of the required steps.

Why is My Vizio Subwoofer Not Pairing with My Soundbar, and What Can I Do?

Going over how to pair Vizio Soundbar to Subwoofer may not help if they refuse to pair. A successful Vizio Soundbar Bluetooth Subwoofer pairing may seem like a dream when you have tried a billion times, with all efforts resulting in an unsuccessful pair. 

You may have been searching for how to connect Vizio Soundbar to Subwoofer, because your Vizio Subwoofer isn’t pairing with your Soundbar. Check off the following common reasons behind connectivity issues and see if you can relate to any of them!

1. Don’t Miss Basic Steps

Oftentimes we tend to overlook the tiny details. These are the ones that make all the difference. You may not even have a problem if you retrace your steps and see if you are missing one. Check if you have gone over all the first steps necessary for the pairing to be successful.

Check the Plugs

This starts with checking if you forgot to turn on the switch. It may be embarrassing, but it will surely save you a lot of confusion. Looking over the plug is common, and forgetting to turn on the devices is a mistake anyone can make. 

A good rule of thumb is to check the power lights that indicate the devices have been turned on. Since you don’t have to deal with countless wires, ensure you are on top of the important ones!

Take it Off Mute

Your music may be on mute, no matter where it is connected. Try to toggle the sound or take the device off mute so you aren’t in the dark.

Enable Pairing Mode

The devices may not pair because you have not put them on pairing mode. Turning a device on does not mean that it is automatically ready to pair. Locate the pairing button or hold power buttons on upgraded devices to enable pairing. 

The Devices are Far Away

Like all Bluetooth-based devices, the Soundbar and Subwoofer need to be in close proximity, at least initially, so they can pair successfully. If you place the devices far away during pairing, they will never pair successfully. 

Try to bring the devices closer and make them face each other before attempting to pair. This will lead to a much smoother pairing process, after which you can place the devices back to where they were previously.

2. Houston, We Have a Problem!

Now that you have checked for any beginner mistakes, it is time to identify whether there’s an actual problem and to get to the root cause. If you need your devices to pair with each other, they must pass the tests listed below. 

In case the Soundbar and the Subwoofer pair after you apply the following steps, you can rest assured that the devices aren’t pairing due to temporary problems. 

Turn it Off and Back On Again

As is true for all devices that have been invented and will be invented in the future, this is a great quick fix. Restarting both devices can reboot them and eliminate any temporary issues that may cause pairing problems.

It is quite easy to restart the devices; you just need to keep pressing the Play/Pause button until they shut down. Repeat the process to restart them. If they still give you trouble, try to unplug them and give them some time before you attempt to restart them. 

Overburdened Soundbars

Your Soundbar can only handle so much. There is a limit to the number of connections the Soundbar can pair with. Check to ensure that all devices have been unpaired from the Soundbar before connecting the ones you really need to be connected to. 

You can never pair successfully unless you disconnect extra devices as they may take up space in your Soundbar Bluetooth. In case you are looking to connect soundbar to only wifi, here is one article that I recently did.

The Simple Reset

Perhaps you connected too many devices the last time you threw a party at your home. You want to connect your device quickly as the guests come knocking on your door, but you don’t know which devices you need to disconnect. 

An easy way out is the simple reset. You can factory reset your device so that it is brought back to its initial settings. This is possible through the following action;

Try pressing the Input and the Bluetooth/Volume Up/Volume Down button and wait for the device to restart. 

The settings will be based on the kind of Vizio device you have in your possession; however, once you factory reset, it should allow you to pair to your Vizio Subwoofer successfully. If you are still wondering about how to hook up Vizio Soundbar and Subwoofer because your devices still don’t pair, the following solution may solve your problem once and for all.

3. Check for Updates

Devices may get old with time, which is why updates are necessary. It is important to keep your subwoofers and soundbars up to date to avoid situations like this. Bugs can impede you from enjoying your soundbars and subwoofers to the fullest. 

Thankfully, you don’t need to go far. You are required to keep updated with the Vizio app, which you can download at the Google or Apple app store. 

The Vizio SmartCast App allows you to connect your Soundbar to the application through the WiFi mode present on the Vizio Soundbar. To access that mode, connect the device to the TV and go through the Menu to select the WiFi Setup option. You can navigate through the Play/Pause button.

Connect your mobile phone to the same WiFi and follow the instructions to update your device. 

  1. Click on the hamburger icon on the upper left. 
  2. Click on Device Settings. 
  3. Click on Vizio Devices and add your device. 
  4. Follow the tutorial and connect the device. 

Connecting to the device will allow the app to download updates for your Vizio device. This may take care of the pairing problem.


Q1. Can I pair another subwoofer with the Vizio Soundbar? 

Answer – Not all third-party subwoofers can pair with the Vizio soundbar. This is because the Vizio system has its unique hardware designed to work with the unique Subwoofer. However, it may be possible for some third-party subwoofers. 

Q2. My Vizio Subwoofer isn’t blinking when turned on. 

Answer – This may be due to the Subwoofer not being plugged in properly. Oftentimes, the Subwoofer will not blink if disconnected. This can also be the case if the Subwoofer doesn’t receive the power supply. It is best to get checked. 

Q3. Is it possible to connect a Fire HD to the Vizio Subwoofer and Soundbar? 

Answer – Is it possible for you to connect the Vizio TV to the sound systems? This may be possible if the Soundbar appears in the Bluetooth of the Amazon Fire HD tablet. This can allow you to connect both devices and play music through them. 

It is possible to connect the Fire HD to FireSticks or an Amazon device if you have one. If you do, connecting the Soundbar can be much easier!

Q4. Is my Vizio Soundbar talking to me? 

Answer – The Soundbar may sometimes may a croaking noise like something is crackling or attempting to talk to you. This may be due to loose connections as sometimes wires may be damaged or unstable. Try to restart the device and secure your wires if the problem persists. 

Final Thoughts

You finally have the answers to the most pressing questions relating to the Vizio Subwoofer not pairing, a commentary on how to connect Vizio Subwoofer to Soundbar, and how to pair Vizio Subwoofer without Soundbar. 

The time has come to put this information to good use. Set up your home theatres with the sound systems of your choice and crank up the bass. Make sure to test out your new systems before you invite your guests over to avoid any last-minute hiccups!

Enjoy your music!

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